Sunday, November 10, 2019

Impact of Social Networking over the Society Essay

Over the past few years, internet has revolutionized the way we interact with people within a society. Due to the staggering number of cell phone usurers with the facility of internet, we are able to communicate with others in new ways with more efficiency. In the same time these fancy ways of communication put ourselves in a deceiving place where it can be very harmful for our self without we being noticed it. In this article summary I mentioned what scientist speculate as negative impacts of social networking on the society. It includes how our brains assimilate to highly addictive social sites, how we compromise our security over theses websites as well as changes of our normal behaviors due to theses web sites. According to † Is Social Networking Killing You? † by Robert Mackey, In The New York Times on February 25, 2009, Susan Greenfield, a professor of pharmacology at Oxford university and the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, stated on a British newspaper that trend of social networking reminds her of † small babies need constant reassurance that they exists.† Been as a neuroscientist she concerns about the effects that this type of stimulations having on the brain. These technologies are driving the brain to state of a small child where buzzing noises and bright lights are a huge attraction. She expressed due to the great influence of high interaction rates with social networking sites as well as digital video games could be harmful to children’s mind. When a young brain is exposed to such conditions the brain itself starts to accustom to the influenced surroundings. For an example, social interactions conducted through screens are completely different from the real time spoken conversation. There for it is far less perilous. Even though it may not seem as an extreme issue, biologists have uncovered lack of face to face interaction could alter the way our genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. It is not only posing health issues. It also jeopardize the personal privacy of certain individuals. Consumers of these websites think their privacy has been ensured by the high level of security settings but according to 2010 Northeastern University and Max Plank institute for software system study researchers created an algorithm to discover an individual’s personal attributes by examining the â€Å"Friends list on Facebook. † they were capable of inferring many personal traits of the certain individuals including their educational level, hometown who were chosen to conduct this experiment on. Further more BBC News reports that social networking sites create social isolation in to a certain extend over the internet. As people spend considerable time on social networking sites they are lead to a host of mental, psychological, emotional and physical problems including depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints. University of Illinois at Chicago school of Medicine animal study showed correlation between social isolation impaired brain hormones is more likely to conduct tremendous amount of stress, aggression, and mental issues on socially isolated people. Moreover there are some other aspects which can be considered as negative impacts of social networking on the society. Some people conclude by exposing to these sites more often would make youngsters with poor grammar usage, increase the risk of identity theft, decrease the productivity of the day, and provide a platform for cyber bulling which in some cases leads to suicidal behaviors. Work cited Mackey,Robert., (2009, February 24). The New York Times. Retrieved from

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